Thursday, September 25

That's so Ravens

The Baltimore Ravens organization, in its ongoing and vigilant efforts to rid itself of any semblance of class and dignity whatsoever, is now accusing the Browns of trying to intentionally injure RB Willis McGahee. This is such a Baltimore kind of thing to do - I'm surprised they don't do this every week.

The issue here is not whether or not the Browns actually did this. They may well have. I don't care. The larger issue is that: I hate Baltimore. And they're a bunch of losers.

On an unrelated note, though connected in that it's something an NFL organization does that I don't approve of, at least New England doesn't have to patronizingly list Tom Brady as "probable" or "questionable" on the injury report every week even though he hadn't missed a game since taking over during their first Super Bowl run. "OUT" is so much more definite and honest, don't you think?

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